We have the pleasure to invite you to the 10th International Conference on Materials Science and Technologies – RoMat 2024 which will be held at National University of Science and Technology Politehnica Bucharest (Romania) from November 14th to November 15th, 2024, in the framework of MaterialFEST 2024, a festival for innovation into materials science and engineering.

The conference continues the tradition of successful conferences organized every two years by the Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering from National University of Science and Technology Politehnica Bucharest with the support of national and international scientific community on materials science and engineering. The conference will include plenary invited and keynotes lectures, as well as oral and poster presentations. Invited plenary and keynote speakers from all over the world will present their latest research into the field.

The participants will have the opportunity to follow the latest technological developments and related academic research as well as novel designs and products that will be presented by the companies who will attend at MaterialFEST 2024.

We look forward to meeting you all for a fruitful conference!

Yours sincerely,


President of ROMAT 2024 Conference

In the name of Steering Committee of ROMAT 2024 Conference



Dean of Materials Science and Engineering Faculty


President of ROMAT 2024 Conference

Head of Metallic Materials Science and Physical Metallurgy Department

SOHACIU Mirela Gabriela

Vice-Dean of Materials Science and Engineering Faculty


Vice-Dean of Materials Science and Engineering Faculty

COTRUȚ Mihai Cosmin

Vice-Dean of Materials Science and Engineering Faculty

ȘERBAN Nicolae

Vice-Dean of Materials Science and Engineering Faculty

MARCU Dragoș Florin

Head of Engineering and Management of Metallic Materials Obtaining Department

COJOCARU Vasile Dănuț

Head of Metallic Materials Processing and Environmental Engineering Department


Head of Materials Science and Engineering Doctoral School


Ion Anghel


Iulian Vasile Antoniac


Costică Bejinariu


Lidia Benea


Mihai Brânzei


Daniela Buruiană


Mariana Călin


Ionel Chicinaș


Vasile Dănuț Cojocaru


Nicolae Constantin


Mihai Cosmin Cotruț


Liviu Geo Drughean


Cihangir Duran


Dan Eliezer


Victor Geantă


Brândușa Ghiban


Hasan Göçmez


Gültekin Göller


Bogdan Istrate


Sigrún Nanna Karlsdóttir


Dragoș Florin Marcu


José Miguel Martín-Martínez



Ecaterina Matei


Florin Miculescu


Marian Miculescu


Corneliu Munteanu


Daniel Munteanu


Mircea Nicoară


Alexandru Pascu


Mircea Ionuț Petrescu


Corrado Piconi


Cătălin Popa


Alexandru Precup


Cristian Predescu


Julietta Rau


Doina Răducanu


Rui Reis


Iulian Ripoșan


Traian Rotariu


Augustin Semenescu


Mirela Gabriela Sohaciu


Constantin Stelian Stan


Aurel Viorel Șerban


Nicolae Șerban


Radu Ștefănoiu


Mircea Țierean


Tudor Viorel Țigănescu


Petrică Vizureanu



Metallic Materials Obtaining Technologies

Materials Processing and Characterization

Surface Engineering & Coatings

Sustainability & Environmental Protection: Impact on Industry

Traditional and Digital Management and Engineering

Advanced Materials for Aerospace & Automotive

Materials and Technologies for Defense Industry


Fire Protection Materials

Electronic Materials

Building Materials

Managing Innovation


The academicians, scientists, engineers, industria professionals and researchers from all over the world are invited to participate in RoMat 2024 by their unpublished and original work.

The contributions of participants in the topics related to the materials science and engineering are welcome.

Abstracts for oral and poster presentations are invited and should be submitted using the online abstract submission system. Before submitting the abstract, you need to register first (using Registration Form).

All abstracts will be refereed, and a criterion of rejection will be lack of originality. Successfully submitted abstracts will be acknowledged with an electronic receipt. A condition of submission is that if accepted one of the authors will present at the conference. Authors must follow the instructions for abstract(s) submission using the conference website tools. Intending author should submit an abstract of no more than 150 words. The abstracts will be published in the conference program. Each presenting author can submit one abstracts but can be co-authors for an unlimited number of abstracts.

All accepted full papers will be published by the “The Scientific Bulletin” Series B Chemistry and Materials Science, edited by University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, an ISI indexed journal(

Also, the Scientific Committee will select representative papers to be published in some special issues for ISI indexed journals like Materials, Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, Materiale Plastice, BioMed Research International, Nanomaterials. For these special issues, extra fees will be applied according the journal rules. All details about the paper selection criteria will be available on the conference website.


Reception of Abstracts

Notification of Acceptance

Registration Deadline


November 02, 2024

November 04, 2024

November 11, 2024

November 14-16, 2024


Registration fees (200 Euro / 1000 RON) will be the same for all participants, and give access to scientific sessions and seminars, to technical exhibition and poster sessions (including all electronic posters), abstracts volume, conference materials, and certificates of attendance, fees for full-paper publication in the “The Scientific Bulletin” Series B Chemistry and Materials Science, edited by POLITEHNICA Bucharest.

Account details: Asociatia Stiintifica “Societatea Romana de Biomateriale”,
CIF 15318801, Strada Gheorghe Polizu nr. 1, sector 1, Bucuresti,
IBAN: RO96 RNCB 0077 0502 4793 0001 (for RON) or RO69 RNCB 0077 0502 4793 0002 (for Euro), BCR sector 6, Bucuresti.

Following the receipt of the registration form and of the payment, the participants will be notified by a confirmation letter by e-mail.